We are Tanie and Jacqueline Guy, full-time missionaries, teachers and speakers, serving under the banner of Forget-Me-Not Ministries, based in the Washington, D.C. area.
We have a passion for missions and care deeply for those who serve in missions. Our lives are devoted to ministering to, ministering with, and ministering for missionaries.
What makes us unique as “missionaries to missionaries” is that we partner with and minister to the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of God’s frontline warriors. Our purpose and goal is to change the trend that causes at least 5,000 missionaries to leave the field each year due to the unique stresses they face involving personal, family, social and ministry challenges. We bring hope, healing and help to them…right where they’re at.
Our blog is about missions, missionary care, leadership, and spiritual development. We share the successes (and failures!) that we’ve had in serving missionaries. As missionaries ourselves, we’ve discovered a lot about persevering faith, taking risks and living outside the box. And we’ve learned about putting God’s love into action by serving others with compassion, encouragement and unwavering conviction that God’s ways produce true peace, power and joy. Our prayer is that these lessons will add value to your walk with Christ and your ministry to others.
We generally blog once a week. To stay up-to-date, we invite you to subscribe to our blog via email. That will also allow us to send news and prayer requests that we can’t always share publicly.
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