It’s like that wonderful feeling you have after a long, uphill climb. You think you’re going to die along the way, but as soon as you reach the top, the pain melts away, and it’s no longer the exertion that takes your breath…it’s the view before you.
That’s how we feel about FMNM’s new website. We hope that you find it inviting and helpful, and that you’ll come to it often and share it with others, as well.
Why the Change?
The impetus for embarking on this journey of renewal started last year when the Lord challenged us with some of our very own words.
“Too much of a good thing will go bad.”
For us, last year, that turned out meaning too much ministry. All good. All important. All exciting to be part of. And a trap that is all too easy for people in ministry to fall into.
We’re not called to do it ALL. No matter how good it is. How many times have we counseled other people about that?
And there you have it. Double-mindedness. That, along with exhaustion and just plain robbing God, and ourselves, and the very people who we’re supposed to be pouring ourselves into…that’s the fruit of “doing it all.”
It reminds me of how I used to view gardening. I didn’t want to cut back anything, thinking that more branches meant more fruit. But the more I let a bush or tree branch out without pruning, the weaker and the sparser the fruit would end up being that’s produced.
So, we’ve cut back on ourselves, and we’re refocused with laser-sharp resolve on what God has called us to. FMNM’s new website not only gives the world a fresh view of who we are and what we do, but it serves to remind us to “forget not” our life’s focus.
Springtime is just around the corner. Do you need to do some pruning? You may fear cutting some things out of your life–even good things. But if you’ll take the step, the fruit it produces will make it all worthwhile.
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